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Join date: Jul 9, 2021


Stefanie Sherman is a licensed clinical professional counselor and nationally certified counselor who specializes in narcissistic abuse, trauma, anxiety and burnout through private practice. She has spent thousands of hours with clients dealing with narcissistic abuse and hundreds of hours in self-study on this topic. Stefanie has spent over 250 hours providing clinical group therapy and spoken publicly more than a dozen times on Burnout, Narcissism and toxic relationships throughout the Pacific Northwest. She got involved with leadership through Chi Sigma Iota at Boise State University as the Secretary, then becoming the President of IDASERVIC, a division of the Idaho Counseling Association and is currently the president of the Idaho Counseling Association. She spent years working in in-patient addiction centers and group homes for teens and young women before joining the Army as an Intelligence Analyst, and starting her graduate program at Boise State University. Stefanie has also worked in outpatient addiction centers with clients on probation and parole before opening her private practice, Venture Wellness, LLC in 2018.

Stefanie Sherman, LCPC, NCC

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